Researchers from NORC at the University of Chicago and Brandeis University will be contacting members of the community starting April 20 as part of a comprehensive Jewish community study project.

This will go on throughout the spring and summer, and Jewish Federation asks members of the community who are contacted to please participate, in order to help provide the most accurate picture of our local Jewish community and its needs and interests.

Any information provided is completely confidential, and will not be shared outside of the research team. In aggregate, the data from the study will inform the work of local Jewish organizations and congregations.

The study will be based on a stratified random sample representative of the Kansas City Jewish community; the researchers aim to receive 750 responses in the primary sample, plus a few hundred responses in a secondary sample, totaling 1,000 to 1,250 responses. The goal is to have participation from a diverse cross section of Jewish households in the Kansas City area.

Late in the year, data from the study will be shared with the community in a variety of ways.