Feed your mind with MeltonKC. Discover new meaning, connect and engage in new topics and ideas. Find more information and register at hbha.edu/melton/current-courses.cfm or contact Megan Pener at , MeltonKC director, with questions.

Upcoming courses:

Genesis/Bereshit II

Students will embark on some of the most dramatic and iconic stories of sibling rivalry, wrestling with angels, palace seduction and more from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays beginning April 15 (no prerequisite needed). Faculty: Rabbi Moshe Grussgott; location: Zoom

“Beyond Borders: The History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict”

This course provides students with a strong, text-based historical overview from the late 19th century through today. 7-8:30 p.m. Thursdays for 10 weeks, beginning mid-April. Faculty: Bill Greenberg; location: Zoom

“Social Justice: The Heart of Judaism in Theory and Practice”

Explore how social justice work goes beyond addressing short-term needs, looking at structural causes of injustice today. Topics include issues related to poverty, immigration and environment, and students are encouraged to identify issues they would like to explore in greater depth. 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesdays for 10 weeks, beginning April 21. Faculty: Rabbi Doug Alpert; location: Zoom

“Jewish Answers to Life’s Most Challenging Questions”

Students will explore answers to timeless questions, including “Why do good people suffer?” and “Why is there so much evil in the world?” in this mini course. The last course maxed out quickly, so Rabbi Glickman offered to teach it again this spring. This Taste of Melton course is free of charge, with a $20 fee for materials purchase only.

Go to hbha.edu/melton/current-courses.cfm for the waitlist. Register at hbha.wufoo.com/forms/z1rk21ez15qizhz/.