Do you know the latest information on COVID-19 and its impact in our community? How does this impact The J’s Heritage Center members and participation in activities at The J?

The Heritage Center at The J has brought together a distinguished panel of local experts for “Unmasked: A COVID-19 Panel Discussion” at 2 p.m. April 6 via Zoom. The goal of the discussion is to provide those 65-plus with information, facts and findings on COVID-19, its variants and the vaccination. It also will include information about the Heritage Center’s phased re-opening plans.

The panel will include Elizabeth Lawlor Holzschuh, director of epidemiology with the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment; Dr. Erin Corriveau, director of Community Health Division of KU’s Department of Family Medicine and community health deputy medical officer for the Wyandotte County Health Department; Dr. K. Allen Greiner, professor and vice chair of the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center; and Dr. Andrew Dalton, a board certified emergency management physician at Menorah Medical Center.

The panel will be moderated by Eric Morgenstern, CEO of Morningstar Communications, who has previously served on The J’s board of directors and is one of the leaders involved in ComebackKC, a business-led initiative to help the Kansas City region come back stronger post COVID-19.

The cost is free. For more information and to register, visit