Simcha Gifts packed and distributed over 600 Passover packages to area nursing homes, retirement centers and seniors living in their own homes.

After a Havdalah service led by Rabbi Zev Wineberg on March 13 at the Chabad House Center, volunteers began packing the Simcha Gifts until late that night.

Bags donated by Trader Joe’s were set up in two separate rooms, one for the facilities and the other one for the homes. All facilities received battery candles for Shabbat lighting; all homes received a set of six tea lights for Shabbat and holiday use. Packages included a box of matzah, grape juice, candles, candle-lighting brochure, macaroons, a Passover haggadah, information about the holiday and more. For the homes, a special handmade shmura matzah for the seder was included.

Pick-up began at 10 a.m. the next day for facilities and 1 p.m. for homes. Simcha Gift packages were distributed across the greater Kansas City metro area. Staff members Erica Bush, Mindy Wajcman and Blumah Wineberg were on hand to help with the distribution.

Volunteers ranged in age from 3-year-old Michael (with his family) to 86-year-old Shirley and were from the full spectrum of the Jewish community. Packages were distributed to all Jewish people regardless of affiliation and to the unaffiliated.

Simcha Gifts is an ongoing program offering joy and caring to the most vulnerable seniors in our community five times a year for a major Jewish holiday: Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Purim, Passover and Shavuot. All Jewish seniors are served — from Holocaust survivors to the unaffiliated, and from Jewish seniors to those who recently lost a loved one.

Simcha Gifts has created a relationship with activity directors in more than 50 retirement centers and helps educate them about the Jewish holidays. Simcha Gift packages are a reminder to them of the approaching holiday.

By working closely with the facilities, Simcha Gifts numbers have increased this year with 36 facilities participating for a total of 368 Jewish residents served and 300-plus homes visited.

The Simcha Gifts program is a success thanks to the committee, volunteers and funders. The committee included Barbara Frager, Mindy Wajcman, Jean Zeldin, Blumah Wineberg, Marsie Borenstein, Pam Reiz, Nancy Reiz, Erica Bush, Roni Roth Beshears and Dini Freed.

Major funding came from Jewish Federation with additional funding from the OU Maos Chittim Fund and individuals like Jerry Bressel of Bressel Law and Madeline Silver.

The next Simcha Gifts distribution will be for the holiday of Shavuot in May. Volunteers are always needed and certainly appreciated. To volunteer, contact Jean Zeldin at 913-707-7576. If you know of someone who should receive a Simcha Gift, contact Wineberg at 913-940-1113 or . To sponsor a holiday for a special occasion in honor or memory of a loved one, call or email Wineberg.