Nancy Kalikow Maxwell will be the local facilitator for Grandparents’ Connection, a new National Hadassah membership program for grandparents with grandchildren ages 13 and under. Six monthly sessions will begin from 3 to 4:30 p.m. April 18 via Zoom.

Maxwell, who recently returned to Kansas City, is a retired librarian and award-winning writer. Her latest book is “Typically Jewish” (Jewish Publication Society, 2019). Maxwell is bubbe to one-year-old twin grandsons who live in California.

In this program, participants will discover new ways to connect with their grandchildren — even at a distance — and learn about activities and skills to share their love of Judaism as well as experience the benefits of being part of a supportive community of fellow caring grandparents. This group is open to grandparents whose grandchildren are being raised by Jewish parents and/or are in interfaith families.

Topics for the sessions include “Introduction to Grandparents’ Connection and Each Other”; “Roles of Grandparents”; “Strategies to Connect with Grandchildren to Share Family Stories, Jewish Holidays and Traditions” (two sessions); “Sharing Family Connections to Israel”; “Teaching about and Experiencing Shabbat.”

Cost to cover expenses for this program is $54 for six sessions.

This program is open to Hadassah members and Associates, including those who reside outside Greater Kansas City and are affiliated with the local Chapter as well as Hadassah members in other communities who have grandchildren in metropolitan Kansas City.

Non-members who would like to participate in this program are welcome to join Hadassah at $36 to become an annual member or $250 for life membership. Men may become affiliated with Hadassah as Associates at $250 for life. Affiliation as either a life member or Associate may be paid over five months at $50 per month via credit card.

To indicate interest in this program or receive more information, contact Marian Kaplan, local team coordinator, at or 913-909-9319.