As 2021 begins and we re-enter the world with a new perspective, many young couples may be thinking about family planning — starting or expanding their families. But sometimes it’s hard to think about where to begin. Priya, a program of Jewish Family Services, offers Jewish individuals and families emotional support, resource connection, spiritual guidance and financial assistance with fertility treatments and adoption.

Program Manager Molly Hess said a good place to start is with genetic testing that will give you the ability to make informed choices for your growing family.
Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews are all carriers for multiple genetic diseases.  Some diseases overlap and some don’t, but knowing if you or your partner are carriers of a genetic disease will allow you to consider options for your family. Even if your partner is not Jewish, it is important to consider genetic testing because his or her ancestors may also be carriers for rare genetic disorders. The more you know, the better choices you can make.

Priya works closely with JScreen to help the Kansas City community learn more about the importance of genetic testing. Based out of Emory University, JScreen provides low-cost genetic testing to adults 18-45 years-old who are planning to start or expand their families. The comprehensive test covers more than 200 genetic diseases. It is a simple saliva test sent to your home, you return it, and a few weeks later you meet with a genetic counselor to discuss your results.  

Thanks to the generosity of the Romotsky-Price-Cortes Genetic Testing Fund, Priya is able to offer a discounted price for the genetic testing.

For more information about genetic testing, visit To receive a discount code, please contact Hess at .