Tiberius “Tibor” Klausner, of blessed memory, is this year’s honoree for HBHA’s Civic Service Award in a private broadcast celebration on Sunday, March 21. It is not often that an individual is honored posthumously, but Tibor is the exception, because he was an exceptional friend to HBHA.
Tibor and his wife Carla began as HBHA parents themselves, sending their three daughters — Danielle, Serena and Mirra — to HBHA. They then became HBHA grandparents when their granddaughters — Haidee, Anna and Aviva Clauer became students. Tibor was a renowned violinist, a beloved music professor at the UMKC Conservatory, and the youngest concertmaster of the Kansas City Philharmonic and Symphony.
His life embodied all that HBHA tries to instill in its students: Jewish values, resiliency, courage and kindness. Although Tibor was to have been honored at last year’s celebration in May, the pandemic prevented HBHA from hosting the event.
This year’s private broadcast celebration goes live online at 6:30 p.m. with a virtual reception. At 7 p.m. the main program begins with a fast-paced, custom-crafted event celebrating Tibor’s life and the HBHA students. Entertainment will feature proteges and community performers whose music was influenced by Tibor. HBHA students will join in the celebration — in both word and song.
“We plan to honor the strong ties Tibor and Carla have forged in Kansas City. He was beloved in so many different ways in Kansas City and at HBHA. Today, several of his grandchildren are still students at the school, showcasing Tibor’s legacy of religion and cultural values,” said Neil Sosland, who, along with Pella Fingersh, will co-chair the event.
“Tibor had the unique ability to weave together his passion for family, music and the Jewish faith into an enriching life and legacy of honor, community service, education … and beautiful music. It is only fitting that his remarkable life should be celebrated by the school,” said Fingersh.
It was these connections that made Tiberius Klausner such a remarkable and beloved figure in our city. His music touched our souls, but it was his vibrant personality, his warm sense of humor, and his deep love of life that touched our hearts. Join HBHA to celebrate Tiberius Klausner’s life and to honor his legacy at this year’s Civic Service Award Celebration.
Tickets and sponsorships are now available at hbha.edu or send a check to HBHA Celebration. Contact Kerry Cosner, 913-327-8156, for additional information. All donations to the celebration provide funding for daily programming, operations and financial aid at HBHA.