The Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City and The J will offer a three-part virtual course series titled “Visions in the Night: Judaism and Dreams” with Rabbi Howard Avruhm Addison. The series will kick off on Feb. 24 with subsequent dates on March 3 and March 10 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom. The course is part of the Jewish Federation’s and The J’s collaborative Jewish Experiences programming.
The prophet Joel foresaw a time when God’s spirit would be manifest, when men and women, young and old, would dream dreams and see visions. Yet, despite having a rich tradition of dream interpretation, modern Judaism has given little spiritual credence to dreams. Drawing upon Jewish tradition, Kabbalah and the insights of modern psychology, Rabbi Addison will investigate how dreams can reveal the movement of the divine within us, leading us to wholeness and growth.
Rabbi Addison is associate professor for instruction at Temple University, where he teaches a course entitled “Dreams, Visions and the Good Life.” Ordained by JTS, he earned his Ph.D. at the Graduate Theological Foundation where he directs its Jewish spirituality doctoral programs and teaches a graduate tutorial, “Spirituality and Dreams.”
A founding teacher of the Lev Shomea Jewish Spiritual Direction training institute, Rabbi Addison completed his dreamwork studies at the Haden Institute, on whose faculty he serves. A lecturer, spiritual director and dream guide, Rabbi Addison’s books include: “The Enneagram and Kabbalah,” “Jewish Spiritual Direction” and the recently published anthology, “Seeking Redemption in an Unredeemed World.”
The series costs $35. For more information and to register, visit