Jewish Family Services (JFS) is offering a Pre-Passover Communitywide Service of Spiritual Renewal on Sunday, March 30, at 3 p.m. at the social hall of Village Shalom (5500 W. 123rd St., Overland Park, KS 66209).

The Jewish Chaplaincy program, under the auspices of JFS, is the host.

Leading this year’s service will be Jewish Community Chaplain Rabbi Jonathan Rudnick and Lezlie Zucker, music coordinator for Congregation Beth Torah. The service will include readings, prayers and music focusing on reflection and renewal.

“This year, as we continue to experience the trauma of Oct. 7 and its aftermath, the Jewish People — and each of us individually as part of the Jewish People — feel the Passover story and captivity/liberation in a way that is even more resonant than before,” Rabbi Rudnick said. “The Haggadah teaches that in every generation we must see ourselves as if each of us left Egypt. With all that is happening around us, this feels easier to imagine than in our recent past. Many of us feel the narrow straits of life pressing in on us. We want and hope to leave these oppressive places, and we take comfort in each other at these times.”

Those who would like to attend the service should RSVP by emailing their name and the number of people planning to attend with them to .

The Jewish Community Chaplaincy Program at JFS works to connect spiritually with Kansas City’s Jewish community. Spiritual services include pastoral care, education and training of volunteers as well as community collaboration in the realm of spiritual care.

More information is available by contacting  or (913) 327-8250.