Community conversion class members recently participated in a virtual class Hanukkah celebration. Those in attendance gathered for dinner and conversation that was followed by Havdalah, a group candle-lighting and a Hanukkah sing-along led by Linda Salvay.
Rabbi Linda Steigman led an informal discussion about navigating the December holidays and challenges some conversion class students sometimes face when celebrating the holidays with extended family and friends. Each student received a Hanukkah gift bag that included a hanukkiah, candles, dreidels and chocolate gelt.
The 36-week conversion course is offered for those considering conversion to Judaism. The course is taught by rabbis from all movements and provides participants with an opportunity to learn about Judaism from multiple perspectives. Each student is required to secure a congregational rabbinic sponsor and meet the conversion requirements developed by their sponsoring rabbi.
For additional information, visit kcrabbi.org. To register for the course, contact Annette Fish, Rabbinical Association www.administrator/program director, by email at or 913-327-8226.
Funding for this Rabbinical Association program is generously provided by the Menorah Heritage Foundation and the National Center to Encourage Judaism. This course is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University.