Jump online for the next Learn, Laugh and Love program, “Why Go It Alone,” at 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17. This lively interactive session with the Jewish Family Services Older Adult Care Management team and The Jewish Community Center’s Heritage Center Director Sandra Greason will be virtual program via Zoom due to safety and health restrictions.

Join JFS Director of Older Adult Service Laura Gillman and Care Manager Liz Conaway, Jana Fielder and Kelly Loeb, who will share tips for living a more healthy, independent and meaningful life. The JFS team can help you whether you are in the market for a new doctor, want a quick look at your Medicare plan or need suggestions on how to make your home aging friendly.

In addition, Greason will share the virtual and in-person programs The Heritage Center is offering — a great way to fight the winter blues! Learn about the safety measures the center has put in place to keep participants safe and connected with other older adults during these challenging pandemic times.

The Learn, Laugh and Love series is presented by JFS and The Heritage Center. The Zoom link for this program is: www.zoom.us/j/92741213860. It will also be posted on the JFS website: www.jfskc.org.

For questions, contact Susie Hurst, JFS director of Family Life Education, at . All Learn Laugh and Love programs are free and open to the public.