Enjoy a delicious “last night of Hanukkah” catered curbside Shabbat dinner on Friday, Dec. 18. Dinner will be prepared by Cathy Levin, Kosher Connection.
Currently, meals are prepared on a monthly rotating basis by kosher caterers Kim Matsil, Kim’s Kreations; Cathy Levin, Kosher Connection; and Steve Ellenberg, Ellenberg Experience Catering under supervision of the Vaad HaKashruth of Kansas City. Ellenberg will cater the Jan. 15 Shabbat dinner.
Meals can be ordered in quantities to serve one or more individuals or a family of four. All food items will be packaged in containers suitable for warming in the oven or transfer microwaveable items to a microwave safe container before heating. Simple and clear heating instructions will be included.
Order your curbside Shabbat meal and pay online with a few quick clicks at www.rabbiskc.regfox.com/shabbat-meals-to-go-monthly.
Payment is accepted online and by credit card only and orders must be received by Tuesdays at 11 p.m. of the week ordering. A list of menus and pricing can be found on the order page. Convenient curbside meal pick up takes place Fridays of the week you are ordering between noon and 1 p.m. at the Jewish Community Campus theater circle drive.
Additionally, potato latkes for Hanukkah will be prepared by The J Heritage Center staff and available for purchase. For information and to place your advance potato latke order for Hanukkah visit: www.thejkc.org/index.php?src=events&srctype=detail&category=Jewish%20Experiences&refno=6367 .
For questions or to inquire about confidential financial assistance, contact Annette Fish, administrator/program director, Rabbinical Association by email, , or call 913-327-4622. Visit www.kcrabbi.org for additional information.
This project is sponsored by the Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City in partnership with The J Heritage Center, Jewish Family Services, Vaad HaKashruth of Kansas City and Jewish Federation.