The Shul — Chabad of Leawood is sponsoring a Chanukah Pajamakah Car Parade on Dec. 16.
Celebrate Chanukah in style while social distancing. Decorate your car and join the pajama menorah parade, menorah lighting and drive-through Chanukah movie, “Rugrats Hanukkah.” Sufganiyot and hot cocoa for all is free!
Parade participants will meet at Chabad of Leawood at 5:30 p.m. to decorate their cars and get in line. The parade departs at 5:45 p.m. to head for The J, with a police escort and Chanukah music, for the 6 p.m. menorah lighting, sufganiyot, hot cocoa and drive-through movie open to all.
Admission is free, but registration is required by going to The evening is expected to last until about 8:30 p.m.
In addition, an LED menorah can be ordered with a 19-foot USB plug-in that can be used in your car or home. The price is $75 and quantity is limited.