Sharon Friedman

In these unprecedented times of COVID-19, stress, isolation, and pressure, Kehilath Israel Synagogue is excited to announce the resumption of our PrayerWorks program. Rather than meeting in person, as it has in the past, we gather virtually. K.I. member Sharon Friedman facilitates each session. 

All members of the Jewish community are invited to join. PrayerWorks meets at 11:00 a.m. on the second Sunday of each month. The next meeting will be on Jan.10. Email   to request the secure link.

What exactly is PrayerWorks? Sharon says, “PrayerWorks brings people together to find healing for themselves and for others. At the monthly, hour-long session, we discuss something about healing, health and wellness, then have a small healing prayer service and say misheberachs for those who need healing. We end with a short healing meditation. The group is open to anyone in need of healing--whether it be from a physical illness or emotional--and those who would like to pray for themselves and others.” 

Sharon draws inspiration from Rabbi Naomi Levy: “Praying with a community alters us. Often when life hurts, we pray by ourselves and assume that we are alone in our pain. When we enter a community to pray, our eyes open up. We see that we are not alone in our pain—there are others who suffer too.”