The Chronicle contacted the parents of the Hanukkah Art Contest winners. Here’s what the parents had to say about their children and their entries in their emailed responses.
Yosef Meir Tiechtel
He was ecstatic to learn he was the overall winner, and said, “I am so happy that people liked my Menorah, I worked hard on it and love that people liked the idea of everything being connected together.” It took him about four hours to design on his computer.
Beatrice K.
“Beatrice was so excited when she won the people’s choice award. She was especially eager to tell everyone how she made her creation and was glad that Rabbi Wineberg gave her the opportunity to talk about it during the announcement of the winners. This was her first art competition and it was absolutely thrilling for her. It was definitely a bright spot during this long period of distancing from family and friends.
She’s been making art since she was in diapers and she has a lot of fans already. Beatrice is always creating and loves sharing her work. Her school art teacher says that she’s never surprised, but always impressed by Beatrice’s creations.
Beatrice spent two weeks working on her entry, beginning with sketching her design and snatching scraps of paper while mama was wrapping Hanukkah gifts for her cousins. She invested a lot of time in planning and had fun experimenting with different ideas.”
Grant Levy
Grant was very excited when he won! He immediately wanted to Facetime all our family members and thank them for voting for him and tell them he won! And he was very excited to tell his teachers and his friends at school about it.

Miriam Gordon
Miriam’s response to finding out she won was, “Oh my goodness! No way! No way!” It was a three-day project because they had to wait for the clay to dry.

Nina McNay
Nina “didn’t say much when she found out she won, but was pleased with the news.” She spent the entirety of one day working on her piece over Thanksgiving break so it probably took her about 10-12 hours.