Kosher Shabbat and holiday curbside “Meals-to-Go” will be available for purchase on Fridays, Nov. 20, Dec. 18 and Jan. 15. Meals will be prepared on a rotating basis by kosher caterers Kim Matsil — Kim’s Kreations; Cathy Levin of Kosher Connection; and Steve Ellenberg, Ellenberg Experience Catering under supervision of the Vaad HaKashruth of Kansas City.
Meals can be ordered in quantities to serve one or more individuals or a family of four. All food items will be packaged in containers suitable for warming in the oven or transfer microwaveable items to a microwave safe container before heating. Simple and clear heating instructions will be included.
Order your curbside Shabbat meal and pay online with a few quick clicks at
Payment is accepted online and by credit card only and orders must be received by Tuesdays at 11 p.m. of the week ordering. A list of menus and pricing can be found on the order page. Convenient curbside meal pick up takes place Fridays of the week you are ordering between noon and 1 p.m. at the Jewish Community Campus theater circle drive.
Kosher for Thanksgiving meals prepared by The J Heritage Center staff will also be available for purchase this year. For information and to place your order visit:
For questions or to inquire about confidential financial assistance, contact Annette Fish, administrator/program director, Rabbinical Association, at or 913-327-4622. Visit for additional information.
This project is sponsored by the Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City in partnership with The J Heritage Center, Jewish Family Services, Vaad HaKashruth of Kansas City and Jewish Federation.