By Barbara Bayer
Contributing Writer
The pandemic has cancelled a lot of things in 2020, but not the annual Chanukah Art Contest. For the 24th year The Shul-Chabad of Leawood, along with the Jewish Community Center (The J) and The Chronicle will sponsor the contest for students in grades pre-K through eighth grade. The winning entries will be revealed on the first night of Chanukah in the Dec. 10 issue of The Chronicle.
The spin this year is the contest will be conducted virtually. Instead of delivering the art projects for judging, contestants will upload a photo or a PDF of their project along with a video — up to 1 minute in length — describing the submission and its relevance to Chanukah. Instructions about how to submit artwork will be available soon on The J’s website, www.thejkc.org. Submissions must be uploaded by Monday, Nov. 30.
Once again, members of the Jewish community will be able to choose the “People’s Choice” grand prize winner in an online vote. Community voting will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 1 and 2, on The J’s website.
Artwork must relate to the story or celebration of Chanukah. Entries will be divided into three divisions: pre-K through first, second through fifth and sixth through eighth. First place winners in each age division will win a $50 gift card from Amazon. A $100 gift card will be awarded to a grand prize winner selected by the judges as well as the “People’s Choice” winner. Each recipient will receive a Chanukah-themed prize for entering the contest.
Contest rules
Projects must be original and relate to the story or celebration of Chanukah. The art may be either two- or three-dimensional (for example painting, drawing, craft or sculpture). Entries created from kits will be disqualified.
Menorahs must be kosher, showing eight aligned candles of equal height, in a straight line. The shamash must be slightly raised or lowered or to the side of the menorah or in the center, as long as it clearly is not part of the other eight candles. A student is not eligible to win the grand prize two consecutive years.
Since its inception, the contest has attracted children from all corners of the Jewish community. Students must live in Greater Kansas City or surrounding areas (Lawrence, Topeka and St. Joseph) to be eligible.
Each entry must be submitted with the following information: student’s name, grade, religious school (if applicable), parent’s daytime and evening phone numbers, and email address.
The decision of the judges (staff members of The Chronicle, The J and The Shul-Chabad of Leawood) shall be final.
For questions or more information, visit www.ChabadKC.org or contact the Chabad House at 913-205-9524 or .