Hadassah Greater Kansas City will honor Hadassah affiliated attorneys and judges at its third annual Touch of Red Gala from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 7, via Zoom.

The Gala is dedicated to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Hadassah Life Member.
Co-Chairs Marian Kaplan, immediate past president, and Rita Shapiro, past Chapter and Great Plains Region president, hope this Gala will lead to the formation of a local Hadassah Attorneys & Judges Council.

Rhoda Smolow, Hadassah National president, will give opening remarks.
Sheryl Zeligson, Hadassah National chief legal officer and general counsel, will share her thoughts on “Being the Hadassah Attorney.”
Carole Greenfield, chair, Hadassah National Professionals Councils and Special Interest Groups, will discuss the three current types of Professional Councils in the U.S.: Nurses and Allied Health Professionals, Physicians, and Attorneys & Judges. Currently, the local Chapter has both a Nurses Council and a Physicians Council.

Randa Maher, Hadassah National Attorneys and Judges Council co-chair, will share the national and local benefits attorneys and judges can have by belonging to an Attorneys & Judges Council, such as the Supreme Court Swearing In and professional networking.
As part of the Gala, Maher will also moderate a panel of three local attorneys and judges followed by a Q & A. Judge Arthur Federman, a former U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, will discuss “Impact of Women on the Legal Profession.” Rachelle Eichenwald Milgram, JD, an attorney in private practice focusing on children, has chosen to speak on “Justice for Children.” Catherine Singer, JD, an attorney at German May PC in Kansas City will speak about “Life/Work Balance as a Working Mother.”
Rabbi/comedian Bob Alper will add entertainment to the evening with his presentation on “Why Are Jews So Funny?”

At the conclusion of the Gala, all members and Associates who are practicing or retired attorneys or judges affiliated with Hadassah Greater Kansas City as members (women) or Associates (men) will be introduced and have an opportunity to share their individual areas of legal practice.
All Hadassah members and Associates are encouraged to attend to honor our attorneys and judges. Invitations have been mailed to attorneys and judges in the Greater Kansas City metropolitan area so they can choose to become affiliated and honored for their service to our community.
Cost to attend the Gala is $18. Attorneys who are affiliated with Hadassah by Nov. 4 are entitled to a complimentary reservation, introduction at the Gala and an honoree certificate to be mailed after the Gala.

As part of the Gala, the local Chapter will also be promoting its 2020 Challenge. Five current members have offered to contribute a total of $2,000 to Hadassah if there are 20 new Annual Givers and/or current Annual Givers who increase their gift by a minimum of $180 per year. The 20 or more members and/or Associates who contribute toward this Challenge will also receive a complimentary reservation.
Attendees are requested to wear something red to celebrate the occasion and add to the excitement of the evening.

To RSVP, go online to www.hadassahmidwest.org/GKCRedGala or return the completed response card included with the invitation.
For more information, contact Marian Kaplan at , 913-909-9319 or Rita Shapiro at , 816-941-9592.