A new kind of Rock Chalk Shabbat This year’s Rock Chalk Shabbat — now called Rock Chalk Shabayit — will be in your home. KU Hillel’s Rock Chalk Shabbat is now coast-to-coast. For the 19th year of Rock Chalk Shabbat, the largest Shabbat experience at KU, KU Hillel has innovated to a completely virtual event. The best part? You can enjoy the fun of Rock Chalk Shabbat from the comfort of your living room. This year’s event will be called Rock Chalk Shabayit — as it is literally in your home. On Friday, Nov. 6, students, alumni, parents and friends will gather for candle-lighting, stories and student-led services streamed in. You also can order a Shabbox for yourself (or for a friend). Each Shabbat box is filled with everything you need for Shabbat at home, and different levels of Shabboxes are available with additional goodies. “Each Shabbox is meant to bring us all together during Rock Chalk Shabayit,” Suzy Sostrin, executive director, said. “By ordering your box, you are having the same experience as many other households across the country. It truly brings KU Hillel into your home.” Shabboxes start at $72 for the Baby Jay Box, $180 for the Big Jay Box and $540 for the Rock Chalk Box (also filled with Kansas City and Lawrence-specific treats). Your donation of $36 provides you with a commemorative KU Hillel kippah, which is also in every Shabbox. While Rock Chalk Shabayit will be free to attend — anyone is welcome to register — your gift helps provide Shabbat and holiday experiences for our KU Hillel students and continues to build a vibrant Jewish community at KU. Go to kuhillel.org/rcs to read more about the different options and order yours today. The week leading up to Rock Chalk Shabayit will be full of additional virtual events to attend, from challah braiding lessons to cocktail classes with Rabbi Neal Schuster to the concluding Havdalah. Join KU Hillel for one event, all of them, or simply tune in for Rock Chalk Shabayit, said Savannah Kannberg, Development and Marketing director. “By featuring multiple events, some pre-recorded and some live, we are able to reach more KU Hillel fans,” Kannberg said. “We are so excited to have these opportunities and cannot wait to share them widely.” KU Hillel students will all receive a hand-delivered student Shabbox as well as a Kosher Shabbat dinner on the night of Rock Chalk Shabayit. “Even though we are apart for safety, we are still able to come together as a community,” Sostrin said. For more information on how to support KU Hillel and this year’s Rock Chalk Shabayit, go to www.kuhillel.org/rcs or contact Savannah Kannberg at .