Avital Simone Steigman Falicov, daughter of Tamara Falicov and Stephen Steigman, will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday, Aug. 31, at The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah. 

Avital’s grandparents are Rabbi Linda Steigman; William and Phyllis Steigman of Boynton Beach, Florida; and Celia Falicov, Raul Falicov (z’l) and Peter Gourevitch of San Diego, California. She has a brother, Ilan Steigman (15), and sister, Noa Falicov (12). 

As an 8th-grade student at Académie Lafayette, Avital enjoys fashion and soccer, runs cross country and track, plays piano and volunteers in religious school teaching art. 

For her mitzvah project, Avital is volunteering by working on art projects at the Shepherd's Center, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting older adults.