Sisterhood achieves international recognition

Beth Shalom Sisterhood was one of 13 Sisterhoods in the Intra-Continental Region of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism to be presented the coveted Jewels in the Crown Award at the July 2020 Virtual Convention of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism.

The Women’s League for Conservative Judaism’s Jewels in the Crown Award was established in 2009 in order to recognize Sisterhoods that have shown excellence in education, cultural programming and social action, and strongly identify with Women’s League.

To fulfill the criteria for the award, each Sisterhood must participate in Women’s League programs or develop their own to fulfill the categories of Education/Program, Community Service/World Affairs and Women’s League Activities. A minimum of two programs or projects must have been fulfilled each fiscal year between July 2017 and June 2020. A winning Sisterhood must have also submitted their per capita payment on time, participated in the Torah Fund Campaign and have had an attendee at a regional conference or meeting.