Community support needed for Jewish Family Services holiday meals Apples, honey and challah for Rosh Hashanah. This Rosh Hashanah will be unlike any other with the coronavirus limiting our in-person contact. However, Jewish Family Services is continuing to provide holiday meals for those who need it most. The traditional Rosh Hashanah meal JFS provides includes foods of the holiday — a succulent chicken, fresh challah, apples, honey and more. You can bring the sweetness of the holiday by donating to the JFS holiday meal effort done in partnership with the Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City. A $25 donation helps provide a family of four with chicken, soup, challah, honey, sweets and fresh produce for a holiday meal. This financial support will provide 130 Jewish families with the makings for a traditional holiday. JFS purchases, packages and delivers both kosher and non-kosher meals with the help of volunteers. “This year will look different for all of us,” said Jo Hickey, JFS Food Pantry director. “We are hoping to reach more people through delivery and curbside pickup.” Financial donations are requested by Sept. 1. If you wish to sponsor a meal for a family, you can do so online at Note the word “holiday” in the drop-down menu. Checks to underwrite the holiday meals can be sent to JFS, Att: Holiday Meal, 5801 W. 115th St., Ste. 103, Overland Park, KS 66211. Meals will be delivered taking appropriate safety precautions. Help make this a sweet Rosh Hashanah for all!