What is Kesher KC?


Jewish Family Services’ Kesher KC integrates and builds on the success of its food pantry, social work and employment services. Kesher means connection in Hebrew, and it is the spirit of connection that defines the program. Program goals include: 

• Connecting and engaging meaningfully with individuals and families challenged by food, housing and financial insecurity;

• Connecting and linking individuals and families with the resources and services they want and need;

• Connecting staff and volunteers to bring coordinated, affirming services to life.

Kesher KC provides easy access to a range of on-site services centered on the food pantry, a primary access point for families struggling to meet basic needs. Kesher KC focuses on meeting the immediate needs of participating families and moves them toward a more secure future in an integrated manner. The program provides low-barrier access with welcoming and friendly engagement for individuals and families seeking assistance from JFS. Kesher KC also serves as a resource for services that JFS doesn’t provide but other community partners do.

At the heart of Kesher KC is the pantry-based availability of specially trained volunteers, social workers, employment coaches, and community resource partners engaging and linking families with services and resources. When families schedule service, they are offered flexible appointment windows. This is more convenient than a fixed appointment, particularly to those who use public transportation or get rides from friends or family. Minimal, streamlined paperwork and eligibility processes lower barriers and provide a friendlier, more accessible service experience.

All new families are screened by a resource center volunteer to identify needs and opportunities, and provide information and referral to agency and community resources. These volunteers link families with immediate or complicated needs with the on-site social worker for further assessment and support.

Social workers provide case management services helping individuals and families access or maintain safe, adequate and affordable housing. They also help families enroll in public income supports, provide help with spending plans or links to financial coaching and education; and provide ongoing problem-solving support and encouragement. The pantry-based social worker becomes a familiar and friendly resource providing services to each family for as long as it is beneficial.

Another aspect to Kesher KC is on-site employment coaching; for those already in the workforce, there is help exploring employment opportunities that provide livable wages.

Kesher KC also invites various community partners onsite to provide connection to services such as financial education, health education and screenings, benefits enrollment, voter registration, nutrition and cooking classes.

For more information about Kesher KC, contact Maggie Haghirian, JFS Food and Shelter program director, at or call 913-730-1750.