Listening Post — 05-23-19

Karen Agron Flattery and Kevin Flattery enjoy one of the many dance moments that the Jewbie Brothers offered during the Beth Torah Bash.



It’s been a festive year for the Reform congregation founded in 1988. 

Congregation Beth Torah (CBT) began its yearlong anniversary celebration a little more than a year ago on May 4, 2018, with a Shabbat dinner following services. A full year of Pick a Parties followed, where congregants hosted different gatherings to build camaraderie and raise funds for the synagogue.

Celebratory events also included a luncheon following Rosh Hashanah services. This past year CBT hosted two scholars in resident, Rabbi Ron Wolfson and Rabbi Sam Joseph. Panim El Panim programs were established celebrating CBT’s history of tikkun olam and future social justice activities, including making the urban area of Kansas City a safer place through Tikkun KC, headedby CBT member Larry Myer, and making the synagogue’s own back yard more beautiful through the Beth Torah park cleanup program led by member Greg Zarobsky, as well as other projects.

The celebration continued April 13 with a BASH. There was music by the Jewbie Brothers, food by Kosher Connection, a silent auction and a parody of its history written by Estelle Edelbaum and Vic Finkelstein specifically for the 30th anniversary.

I’m told by reliable sources the Jewbie Brothers have offered to play again in another 30 years for the 60th anniversary celebration! Mazel tov Beth Torah on 30 years of being 

“a vibrant, modern Reform Jewish congregation where everyone matters.”


Estelle Edelbaum and Vic Finkelstein wrote ‘30 years of Beth Torah told in under 15 Minutes,’ an original parody to celebrate Beth Torah’s history. Performing the parody are Carol Ducak (from left), Zach Zwibelman, Nina Shik, Larry Rittmaster, Denise Ellenberg, Vic Finkelstein, Estelle Edelbaum, Fred Gustin and Lezlie Zucker.



If you are one of those who believes “good ideas start with brainstorming, great ideas start with coffee,” then you should check out KU Hillel’s new Roasterie blend coffee.


Following a presentation by The Roasterie Kansas City Air Roasted Coffee Founder and CEO Danny O’Neill, several students suggested a KU Hillel blend. The students worked with O’Neill and his team at The Roasterie to create a completely custom coffee blend that is now available to purchase. Jacob Milgrim mixed up the winning coffee blend and Margo Hellman  won the label design competition. The coffee is described as creamy and rich with notes of pear, cocoa powder and hazelnut in the finish. A portion of the proceeds for every package purchased will support ongoing Jewish programming at KU Hillel.

To purchase, go to or search KU Hillel.