Israeli ‘woman warrior’ tries to present balanced view of Israel

Col. Miri Eisin

There are about 450 colonels in the Israel Defense Forces, only 15 or so who are women. Do the math and you will discover that’s roughly only 3 percent of those who reach that high rank. One of the IDF’s cream of the crop, Col. Miri Eisin (res.) will be in Overland Park Monday, Dec. 15, as the featured speaker for a program co-sponsored by Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation, Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women. The free event focusing on Women Warriors takes place in the Social Hall at the Jewish Community Campus and begins at 7 p.m.


In an interview via email, Eisin said it is difficult for women to get promoted in the IDF as promotions are usually awarded based on performance in the field, “which women serve in much less than men.”

“I served in field units and so I was ‘more deserving’ than other women — and men,’ ” she said.

Eisin served in the Israeli intelligence community and retired from active duty at the rank of full colonel in 2004. During her 20-year career in the military she served as the deputy head of the combat intelligence corps, the personal assistant to the director of military intelligence and as the intelligence officer in combat units and research departments. 

She described being in the IDF, and her path toward senior leadership, as a “never ending learning curve.”

“I found that if I did my best and tried harder — I could do a good job and show others a good example,” Eisin said.

She believes in leadership through actions, showing what you mean by doing it yourself.

“In my early years in the IDF, I found the great importance of people and inspiring people and that has stayed as a leadership model both later in my career and now after the military service.”

After retiring from the military, Eisin served as the Israeli prime minister’s international media advisor from the second Lebanon war until the end of 2007. Over the last 10 years she has been featured on various media all over the world representing Israel, speaking on regional geo-politics and security-related issues. 

“I lecture in Israel and worldwide on current Israeli affairs and the conflict. I try to present a balanced Israeli view — if there is such a thing!”

Now that Eisin has retired from military and government service, she teaches at IDC in Herzelyia. She is also a fellow at the Center for International Communication at Bar Ilan University. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Tel Aviv University in Middle Eastern studies and political science and a Master of Arts degree from Haifa University in security studies as well as being a graduate of the Israeli national defense college.

In addition to her public advocacy activities, Eisin serves on the boards of the Israeli NDU alumni, Ramat Hasharon community centers and Takdim, Israeli’s first community foundation.

While she’s here, she’ll undoubtedly be asked about the current situation in Israel, which many Americans see as even more tense than usual. However Eisin said the currently situation is their “normal.”

“First and foremost is you continue with your normal life. If you disrupt your routine and life, the terrorists are achieving their aim. We adjust in little ways, and sadly it means more separation in Israeli society. You gravitate to what you feel is more comfortable and avoid different opinions,” she said.

Women who have served in the IDF or the U.S. military will be honored at this event. If you know a Jewish woman here who has served or is serving in the IDF or the U.S. military who should be honored, contact Megan Pener at Jewish Federation, 913-327-8111 or . While the event is free, registration is requested; to do so call 913-327-8111 or visit