Listening Post

Steve and Barb Stras

STEVE STRAS RECEIVES BUCK O’NEIL LEGACY AWARD — On June 24, Ohev Sholom congregant Steve Stras was awarded the Buck O’Neil Legacy Award by the Kansas City Royals. The honor is designed to remember the impact of Buck O’Neil and to honor those who are vital to our community.

Since Steve’s retirement after 36 years with the U.S. Postal Service as a letter carrier, he has been an “extreme volunteer” — from Jewish Family Services’ Jewish Elder Transport (JET) program to delivering food for the JFS Food Pantry; to delivering blood to area hospitals every week for Community Blood Center. 

Steve has worked numerous festivals selling tickets including the Jewish Community Center’s Jewish Arts Festival as well as Ohev Sholom’s KosherFest. He is a gabbai at Congregation Ohev Sholom and attends morning minyan during the week. Whether it be volunteering as a Johnson County Community College Vol*Star, for NALC’s MDA activities, or at the Johnson County Library, Steve has demonstrated his willingness to help his community and make a difference.

Congratulations Steve!

HUNGER DOESN’T TAKE A SUMMER VACATION — To me the Fourth of July always signifies the middle of summer, even though summer only officially began just a few weeks ago. It’s this time of year we need to be reminded that those who are hungry are still hungry in the summertime, sometimes even more so. For instance families with children who may benefit from free and reduced-cost lunches during the school year may struggle even more with their food needs during the summer months without this assistance. In fact, my friends at JFS tell me that one in five Johnson county students and one in four Jackson county students suffer through food insecurity. JFS needs our help to fill that gap. JFS helped feed 310 children in 2013 The pantry’s biggest needs right now, both kosher and non-kosher, include canned tuna, salmon or chicken; peanut butter; juice; canned or dry beans; personal care items; cleaning products; paper goods; grocery bags (paper, plastic or reusable). Consider hosting a food drive with your Scout troop, as an alternative birthday party or for a B’nai Mitzvah project. If you’re not a big organizer, simply remember to buy extra for the Food Pantry as you shop for Shabbat or another family celebratory event. Donation barrels are located at the Jewish Community Campus and at most synagogues.

STAR SPANGLED SPECTACULAR — This year’s chair for the 23rd Annual Star Spangled Spectacular, hosted by the Overland Park Rotary Club on the Fourth of July in Corporate Woods in Overland Park, is Chuck Gasser. It takes place behind Building 40, and many local businesses and individuals contribute to the event. Proceeds from the old-fashioned celebration featuring fireworks will benefit CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Johnson and Wyandotte Counties, Sheffield Place and the Rotary Youth Leadership Institute. All the details and schedule are at



The Jewish Chronicle is working on the annual Rosh Hashanah publication and we need the help of Jewish organizations, congregations, agencies, foundations and other Jewish groups. Please send us the dates of your special events for the upcoming year (September 2014 through September 2015) so we can add them to our calendar. We don’t mean regularly-scheduled weekly or monthly events like study groups, but events that may occur once a year or a special event being planned now for the upcoming year.

In order for these events to be considered for placement in the calendar, please send them to us no later than Aug. 1. These can be sent to or .

If you have any questions, call Barbara Bayer, editor, at 913-951-8425 or Marcia Montgomery, community editor, at 913-951-8426.