Letter to the Editor - Inspiring afternoon
I just attended the Spring Session at Beth Torah, and the concert was nothing short of delightful!
I just attended the Spring Session at Beth Torah, and the concert was nothing short of delightful!
Meals to go a gift from heaven
What a great idea… seder or Passover meals-to-go, sponsored by the Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City and the Community Legacy Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Kansas City.
For those in the ‘know,’ I am normally at morning minyan at Kehilath Israel Synagogue on Tuesday, Wednesday and on Friday. The other days I am typically at Chabad’s morning minyan.
To capture this esoteric soul journey replete with spiritual imagery collected from the teaching of Jewish mysticism I have tried to use some prose.
A woman worthy of recognition
AZA and BBG have long been an important part of our Kansas City youth programs. Under the directions of our Regional Director Morrie Kross, and secretary Helen Slotnick, both of blessed memory, our membership of youth soared and aspired to reach individual accomplishments that challenged members of other regions.
A lesson in BBYO history
Congratulations to an extraordinary young lady Ellie Bodker for the extraordinary achievement of election as the international n’siah (president) of BBG.
There’s something new happening in the Kansas City Jewish community. Can you feel the excitement mounting? I certainly can! To my knowledge, for the first time, the Jewish community has the opportunity to recognize our up-and-coming young adults, aged 21-39, who are making a difference in the Jewish and/or the secular communities through innovation, involvement and creative input. Whether engaged in the activities or leadership of their synagogues, Jewish agencies, secular charities, companies, universities or the like, their contributions are important and appreciated.
Near the end of World War II, the United States bombed Sofia, Bulgaria, in hopes it would break the Bulgarian alliance with the Nazi regime. But when a bomb fell into the third oldest synagogue in Europe, it failed to explode.
Jews should take more words out of their vocabulary
In accord with Larry Haith’s correct position regarding the use of the term “Old Testament,” by Jews (Letters to the Editor, Feb. 11), there are other words that Jews should not utter.
In a political season with second-rate candidates who stoke fear, spew hatred and push for quick fixes to complex problems, we can rely on the strengths of leaders in American history to guide us.