REMEMBERING THE HOLOCAUST —  Survivor Sonia Golad spoke about the Holocaust a lot and her daughter, Midwest Center for Holocaust Education President Joyce Hess, said she always ended her talks with “You do not have to love everyone, but you must not hate.” I’d say that’s very good advice today.

Rabbi Nancy Flam

According to Rabbi Nancy Flam, prayer is like a symphony — you would appreciate it more if you understood the music better. Of course this is a metaphor, but her message is that if we better understood the structure of liturgical prayer and how it is meant to move us, we would access the spiritual component that is missing by just going to shul and letting “whatever happens happen.”

Rabbi Javier Cattapan

On Friday, April 28, Congregation Beth Torah kicks off a weekend celebration to formally install Rabbi Javier Cattapan as its spiritual leader. Rabbi Rami Shapiro, author, poet, essayist, and educator, will lead the installation ceremony and other weekend activities as the scholar in residence. The Kansas City community is invited and encouraged to join, along with many of Rabbi Cattapan’s family and friends, in officially welcoming Rabbi Cattapan into our community.

HBHA will present ‘The Laramie Project’ on April 26 and 27. Those involved in the production include: Jacob Bell (front row, from left), Jesse Ernstein, Mia Velasquez, Leah Sosland, Amanda Sokol and Haidee Clauer. Back row: Micah Margolies (director), Gavi Glickman, Josh Kolkin, Joe Porter, Molly Kavanaugh, Ayelet Schuster and Sara Saidel. Not pictured are Alina Bell, Ariel Brudoley and Eliana Saidel.

On Wednesday, April 26, and Thursday, April 27, upper school students at Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy (HBHA) will perform the play “The Laramie Project.” This play has been banned in many high schools all over the world because it contains themes of homophobia, death and bigotry.

SevenDays Chairs Mindy Corporon (second from right) and Alana Muller (far right) joined Eboo Patel, founder of the Interfaith Youth Core (second from left) who spoke in Kansas City this spring. Jon Willis (left) with the Kansas City Interfaith Youth Alliance joined the group.

This year’s SevenDays® Make Ripple, Change the World begins Tuesday, April 18, and continues through Monday, April 24, and several members of Kansas City’s local Jewish community are intimately involved with the effort.

Last week I asked friends on Facebook to send pics of kids during Passover. This one of Dylan and Danielle Kurz enjoying a seder when they were little tykes was submitted by Lisa Kurz.

CHABAD PLANS COMMUNITY SEDERS — Experience the freedom of Passover the way our ancestors did in a warm interactive Passover seder open to community.