The Al-Inshirah Mosque and Imam Jamal Shakur, Muhammad Chaudry and Art Chaudry hosted a group from JCRB|AJC to their Labor Day picnic in Swope Park. This event is one of several whose purpose is to share common bonds and strengthen ties between our communities. Shown are Janet Mark (from left), Carol Burton, Imam Jamal Shakur, Muhammad Chaudry, Bert Berkley, Art Chaudry, Yousef Hall and Jabbier Hazziez, Sr.

Devra Klein

Of the thousands of soldiers currently on active duty in the Israel Defense Forces, less than 20 serve as photographers. Devra (Deborah) Klein, the 22-year-old daughter of Congregation Beth Shalom members Edward and Alicia Klein, is one of those select IDF photographers, serving in the Israeli Air Force.

This year the 6th Annual KC Kosher BBQ Championship took place at the Jewish Culture Fest. Sunday afternoon, The Dukes of Chazer celebrated their win. For the first time, prize money was awarded and as grand champions The Dukes of Chazer won $500.

A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL — Yasher koach and todah rabah — great job and thank you — to all the volunteers and J staff involved in presenting the 2017 Jewish Culture Fest.

Fourteen years ago, Bonnie and Mickey Swade’s son Brett committed suicide at age 31. Back then there were no suicide support groups and because of the stigma attached people were reluctant to even bring it to the attention of professional mental health facilitators.

Gabbie Fried

HELP FOR HARVEY VICTIMS — The Jewish community is really stepping up to help those who have suffered devastating losses due to last month’s Hurricane Harvey.