Rabbi Neal Schuster and Tamara Lawson Schuster announce the celebration of their son, Judah, becoming a Bar Mitzvah at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, June 9, at The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah. Relatives and friends are invited to worship with the family and to attend the Kiddush luncheon following the service.
Judah is the grandson of Nancy Lawson of La Jolla, California, and the late Steven Lawson; and Arlene Schuster of Bellevue, Washington, and the late Joseph Schuster.
Judah is a rising eighth-grade student at Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy. He enjoys playing basketball and soccer. Judah attends URJ Camp Kalsman, attends B’nai Jehudah’s Kesher program and participates in NFTY JYG. For his mitzvah project, Judah is gathering new sports/athletic shoes for children who attend Operation Breakthrough programs.