This year’s community Yom HaShoah commemoration to remember those killed in the Holocaust filled the Lewis and Shirley White Theatre at The J on Sunday, May 5.

Organized by the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education (MCHE); Jewish Community Relations Bureau|American Jewish Committee; and The J, the event was cosponsored by well over a dozen community organizations.

The event also commemorated the 81st anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the 61st anniversary of the dedication of the community’s Memorial to the Six Million, now located at the Jewish Community Campus.

Dr. Henry Kanarek, son of survivor Dr. Joseph Kanarek (z”l), chaired the event and shared his father’s story with attendees. Music and prayers were provided by the Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy choir and Lezlie Zucker of Congregation Beth Torah. Jewish War Veterans MO-KAN Post 605 (JWV) members presented the Colors, and Scout Troop #61 led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Each of the six candles in the candle-lighting service — a tradition of the Yom HaShoah commemoration — was lit by people who represent groups who work to share the stories and lessons from the Holocaust. After an introduction by second generation survivor Mark Eisemann, the first candle was lit by Holocaust survivors Yakov and Raisa Izrailev; the second by second-generation survivor Eli Kanarek; the third by third-generation survivors Ethan and Oliver Kanarek; the fourth by MCHE Together We Remember youth participant Michael Muller; the fifth by JWV’s Herb Spiegel; and the sixth by community member Danielle Levine. Third-generation survivor Debbie Coe provided assistance. 

Other speakers included Rabbi David Glickman of Congregation Beth Shalom; Dr. Kurt Kavanaugh of The J; and community chaplain Rabbi Jonathan Rudnick. 

Following the event, survivors and their families gathered in the rain at the Memorial to the Six Million to recite Kaddish, led by Rabbi Rudnick.