Todd Stettner

Congregation Beth Torah announces a Beit Midrash (house of learning) on Friday, Nov. 11 with Todd Stettner, a local Civil War buff.

Stettner, a past president and CEO of Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City, will present Keeping the Faith: Judaism at the Front (of the Civil War). 

Stettner has been interested in the Civil War since his teens, and he currently supports the Civil War Trust and participates in the Civil War Roundtable of Kansas City. 

All are welcome to attend Beth Torah on Veterans Day, which will include Stettner’s presentation as well as erev Shabbat services (6:30 p.m.) and a catered dinner from Crazy Good Eats. Todd will share how Union and Confederate soldiers practiced Judaism, the origins of Jewish chaplaincy, and more.

More information can be found at or from the Beth Torah office, 913-498-2212. Those interested can RSVP on the website or by phone.