Pictured are Camp Sabra staff members Kim Holtzman Sloan, camp director, Terri Grossman, executive director, and Lisa Deutsch, assistant director of community care.

In response to the ongoing success of Camp Sabra and to meet the needs of the future, Camp Sabra is excited to announce that it has named Terri Grossman as its new executive director and Kim Holtzman Sloan as new camp director.

In these new roles, Grossman and Holtzman Sloan continue to lead the strategic, ideological and logistical efforts of Camp Sabra. Combined, they have more than 40 years of Camp Sabra experience.

“The J is extremely fortunate that, after 26 years at camp, Terri Grossman still has the passion for and commitment to Sabra to accept the executive director position,” said Lynn Wittels, president and CEO of the St. Louis Jewish Community Center. “Terri has developed such a strong team that Kim Holtzman Sloan rising as our new camp director ensures a seamless transition in leadership. We are thrilled to share this news with our camp family.”

This new leadership structure begins a formal focus on the future of Camp Sabra and on securing its legacy for future generations. As executive director, Grossman will oversee expanding alumni relations, fundraising and facility development, as well as lend her experience as past Camp Director as a resource to help guide operations at Camp.

“I am so excited to be a part of this next step in helping to ensure Camp Sabra’s future. I hope that by reconnecting alumni and creating a robust alumni association, we can reignite that passion for Sabra in all the people who have been lucky enough to spend a summer at our camp,” said Grossman.

Grossman and Holtzman Sloan have served at Camp Sabra in many capacities and with multiple tenures as teammates, including as assistant director (Grossman) and unit head (Holtzman Sloan) from 1995-1996. Most recently, as director and assistant director, this pair is responsible for incredible growth in camper enrollment and retention.

Since 2014 camper enrollment has grown 47% and hit all-time record highs. Additionally, Camp Sabra’s net promoter score (a statistic used to measure staff, family and camper satisfaction) hit 96 in 2021– a number that reflects a truly outstanding camp experience.

As director, Holtzman Sloan will work with current Camp Sabra families and staff to ensure each summer at the Staenberg Peninsula provides the best experience for our camp community. The camp director leads community stewardship and daily operations, and oversees camper recruitment, all administration staff, camper housing, camper family communications and camp operations, including the health center and security.

“Working closely with Terri for the past eight years has taught me so much. Most importantly, I learned that families want to send their children to a place where they respect and have confidence in the director at camp,” says Holtzman Sloan. “Terri has been that director for our families and such a role model to me. I hope to continue to hold the respect and confidence of the families as they send their children to camp this and future summers. I feel honored to follow in her footsteps.”

The promotion of Holtzman Sloan as camp director provides a continuation of the successful leadership that has grown Camp Sabra exponentially over the past eight years. In her previous role, Holtzman Sloan developed personal relationships with all camper families and enrolled every single camper into the program. Her leadership as camp director brings her insight through these relationships to the daily operation of Camp Sabra.

Camp Sabra is currently enrolling for the 2022 camp sessions – many units are already on waitlists. For more information, visit campsabra.com.