Rabbi Beryl Padorr and David Friedman will blow the shofar as Ohev Sholom congregation members pick up High Holiday gift bags.

Based on a unanimous recommendation by its worship committee, Congregation Ohev Sholom’s board of directors has made the decision to hold High Holiday services via Zoom due to concerns regarding COVID-19.

With the experience of presenting High Holiday services on Zoom in 2020, the congregation is able to replicate those services with a few major modifications

Members will be asked to drive by the Ohev Sholom parking lot prior to the High Holidays to pick up machzorim and a gift bag with apples, honey, seed for the tashlich ceremony and a special holiday gift.

During the pick-up, Rabbi Beryl Padorr and David Friedman will inspire members with the sound of the shofar echoing from the hill outside our main entrance.

The holiday season begins with Ohev Sholom’s Enhancing Elul program, which includes three interactive programs:

Thursday, August 19, 7:00 pm – Blind Faith…or Something More, Reading the Akedah on Rosh Hashanah, with Audrey Asher and Michael Hessel-Mial

Thursday, August 26, 7:00 pm – Hannah Wept: Personal Prayer When Will Is Not Enough, with Christina Miller and Donna Oberstein

Thursday, September 2, 7:00 pm – Jonah, A Whale of a Tale: What is it Doing in our Yom Kippur Liturgy, with Dan Allmayer and Michael Lerner

Rosh Hashanah services will be held via Zoom on September 7, and September 8. A tashlich ceremony will also be held on September 7, at various locations.

Kol Nidre services will be held via Zoom on September 15.  A musical interlude will be held prior to the beginning of Kol Nidre services. Yom Kippur services will be held via Zoom on September 16, and decorating the Ohev Sholom sukkah will take place on September 19.

Call the synagogue office, 913-642-6460, to receive a complete schedule of holiday events and details of all programs and to receive the Zoom link to attend services.