B’nai Jehudah launches new efforts to serve families

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah has sent a letter to its membership announcing an enhancement of congregational life on two fronts: chesed/pastoral care and music.

In a longer version of the letter on its website (www.bnaijehudah.org), congregation President Dan Stolper, Cantor Sharon Kohn and Senior Rabbi Arthur Nemitoff stated: “Over the past couple of years, we have become increasingly aware of the rising chesed needs within our community. We are humbly grateful that more and more congregants turn to our staff to be by their sides in moments of illness, aging, family and personal crisis. This has put an increased strain on our capacity to be fully present and to perform all the other duties we ask of our professionals.”

After months of study and discussion, the board of trustees has approved a new position to be called chesed/pastoral care director, so the congregation can devote more attention to the needs of congregants who find themselves and their families facing struggles.

Cantor Kohn, who has served as the cantor of B’nai Jehudah for more than a decade, was a key partner in coming to this decision and will assume the role of chesed/pastoral care director. As she wrote in the letter to the membership:

“Discovering and articulating an Individual Jewish Path (IJP) is our congregation’s Big Holy Audacious Goal (BHAG). I’ve been working on mine. Creating sacred space, sharing stories and simply being present for one another are at the core of the holy work I do. Music and formal prayer are important but not the primary pathways for such communications. What I have come to discover is that this is more effectively accomplished when I visit with people at moments of transition in their lives, when people are ill, one on one or in smaller groups. This is my passion and this is the path that I wish to explore.”

In order to lead this effort as fully as possible, the congregation is providing both the time and financial resources necessary for Cantor Kohn to receive 1,600 hours of clinical pastoral education (CPE) over a two-year period, through accredited programs at Jewish Family Services and at Research Medical Center. Through a combination of classroom work and pastoral care practice at local hospitals and Village Shalom, Cantor Kohn’s goal is to work toward becoming a certified pastoral counselor. In addition to visiting with and comforting congregants who are in need, her duties as the congregation’s first chesed/pastoral care director will include coordinating all of B’nai Jehudah’s pastoral care with the rabbis and staff and working with and enhancing its Chesed (Caring) Committee. Finally, she will continue to coordinate the B’nai Mitzvah program and will participate in one Erev Shabbat service a month.

With Cantor Kohn’s changing responsibilities, the synagogue will hire an individual to serve as music director. This individual will be responsible for the musical life of the congregation, including singing and leading music at three Erev Shabbat Services each month, Shabbat morning and holiday services, Sunday mornings, Machane Jehudah, preschool, youth group gatherings, and life cycle events, as needed. The music director will also recruit and nurture an expanded group of congregant musicians, as well as coordinate the congregation’s summer Shabbat In The Park experiences. It is expected that this person will begin July 1, 2014.

Congregation President Stolper stated that the expansion of services, both in chesed and music, will have no impact on budget.

“Rabbi Nemitoff has secured donor support to fund this expansion of services. We thank the families whose vision and generosity are making this plan possible,” Stolper said.

Rabbi Nemitoff summed up the importance of their joint announcement, by saying, “For 144 years, B’nai Jehudah has worked tirelessly to nurture Jewish meaning, connection, and continuity. What can be more meaningful than supporting folks as they experience struggles in their lives? No one is better equipped to lead our congregation’s efforts than Cantor Kohn.”

Rabbi Nemitoff continued, “We have also come to understand that music is one of the most powerful vehicles through which people discover deep meaning. We look forward to a new music director who will help us find that “sound” to inspire our members and our greater Jewish community. Through chesed and music we will strengthen our core purpose in the coming years.”