By Sam Glaser / Guest Columnist

It would make sense to start the Jewish calendar year on Rosh Hashanah, literally the “head of the year,” the anniversary of the creation of humans, but that’s not how it goes in the Bible. Just as we are about to leave Egypt, with great signs and wonders, the first commandment given to the nation is initializing the calendar. Therefore, the Jewish year actually begins with Nissan, the month of Pesach, making the preceding month of Adar the last one of the year. Adar is both a time to celebrate and a season of reckoning. 

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The Fellowship of Jewish Athletes

By Marvin Fremerman

Everyone’s heard of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, but not a whole lot of people have heard of the Fellowship of Jewish Athletes.  No small wonder since there really aren’t that many famous Jewish athletes. Except perhaps for Mitchell Schwartz of the Chiefs.  Last count, I heard there were only eight.  And all represented non-violent sports, like swimming, tennis and soccer.  

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Trump Derangement Syndrome

Apparently one of your readers continues to suffer from a severe case of TDS—Trump Derangement Syndrome. Nor is he the only one. Many highly educated, highly intelligent people have come down with the same affliction. There appears to be no cure. Reason won’t cure it. Logic won’t cure it. Facts won’t cure it. Truth won’t cure it.

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Thank You Barbara Bayer

The announcement of the planned retirement of Barbara Bayer from the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle is a reminder of the tremendous role she plays in the success of the paper serving members of the community, in educating and informing the Jewish community of activities.  KCJC is the primary source of organizational news, and Barbara performs spectacular and gracious work under a weekly deadline.  Barbara treats organizations small and large with respect, curiosity and interest of their work, and as an advocate for each organization’s role in the community.  She gives the same respectful treatment to each individual, and is unselfish in praising and articulating the work of so many in the community.  Kol hakovod and thank you Barbara Baellow Bayer.

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