Fremerman also states that Roosevelt, “prevented Hitler from overrunning Britain and Palestine (thus saving their large Jewish populations).” He then implies that Roosevelt chose to prioritize the war against the Nazis, rather than against Japan, out of concern for the Jews. Nonsense. On the day of Pearl Harbor, Britain was being strangled into submission by the Nazi U-boat campaign. Nazi armies were within one hundred miles or so of Moscow. To suggest that the plight of European and Palestinian Jews was motivation for Roosevelt’s decision to fight Hitler first and Japan second is not even a half-truth. It is a fantasy. 

As for Roosevelt bringing thousands of Jewish professionals into government, can Mr. Fremerman offer one single bit of evidence that he did so deliberately? During the war, every able-bodied adult – black, white, male, female, Jewish, gentile – was needed for the war effort. Given the immense burden of a two-front World War, Roosevelt had far more pressing things to do than hand-pick thousands of Jewish professionals for mid-range positions in the government. 

Was Roosevelt anti-semitic? Maybe yes, maybe no. As for comparing Trump to Hitler and Stalin, this is unconscionable. They are all white males, aren’t they? Therefore, any white male could be compared to the group?

Mr. Fremerman writes to The Chronicle frequently. So do I – far too often for most people’s taste. I would appreciate it if he fact-checked his assertions, though.

I had vowed to write less often, but being imprisoned by an invisible virus, under the circumstances, I hope one more letter can be forgiven.

Lee Levin
Leawood, Kansas