Rabbinical Association responds

to recent anti-Semitic attacks


The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City shares in the sadness and concern of Jews everywhere over recent anti-Semitic attacks, and the alarming proliferation of attacks against Jews over recent years. This is not just a crisis for our Jewish community, but for our country as well. Attacks on Jews are attacks on our country’s most cherished democratic values.

While we acknowledge the fear felt in our congregations and our communities, providing our support wherever it is needed, we also stand determined to not allow fear to change who we are as proud Jews. We carry that Hanukkah message with us throughout the year, and for the years and generations to come.

Our support for any Jews who come under attack is without denominational boundaries. An attack against one Jew is an attack against all of us.

May there soon come a time when peace and mutual respect will prevail, and any and all violence will cease. May that be G-d’s Will.


The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City

Rabbi Doug Alpert, Congregation Kol Ami

Rabbi Javier Cattapan, Congregation Beth Torah

Rabbi Stuart Davis, Temple Sinai

Rabbi David Glickman, Congregation  Beth Shalom

Rabbi Moshe Grussgott, Kehilath Israel Synagogue

Rabbi Jon Kleinman, Chaplain, Vitas Healthcare

Rabbi Monica Kleinman, Congregation Beth Torah

Rabbi Josh Leighton, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

Rabbi Mark Levin, Founding Rabbi, Congregation Beth Torah

Rabbi Alan Londy, New Reform Temple

Rabbi Herbert Mandl, Rabbi Emeritus, Kehilath Israel Synagogue

Rabbi Yitzchak Mizrahi, Beth Israel Abraham & Voliner

Rabbi Arthur Nemitoff, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

Rabbi Beryl Padorr, Congregation Ohev Sholom

Rabbi Jonathan Rudnick, Community Chaplain

Rabbi Neal Schuster, KU Hillel

Rabbi Sarah Smiley, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

Rabbi Linda K. Steigman, Temple Adath Joseph, St. Joseph

Rabbi Debbie Stiel, Temple Beth Sholom, Topeka

Rabbi Avi Weinstein, Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy

Rabbi Scott White, Former rabbi, Congregation Ohev Sholom