Buffie Longmire-Avital

The community is invited to “Listening, Un-Learning + Re-Learning Race In The Jewish Community,” a virtual presentation starting at 7:30 p.m. June 2.

Using principles from psychology and sharing stories from her own experience as a black American Jewish woman, Buffie Longmire-Avital, associate professor of psychology and coordinator of the African & African American Studies program at Elon University, will lead this conversation on what it means to have a racial identity within the Jewish community.

She and her husband, Nadav, are an interracial and bicultural couple. He is from Israel; Longmire-Avital was born in Boston. She converted to Judaism in 2008 and recently celebrated her bat mitzvah via Zoom.

Longmire-Avital will provide an understanding of where the concept of race in America stems from, the impact that living in a society that places a high value on race as a distinction has on Jewish identity and community, and the opportunities for learning what types of racial microaggressions can exist within Jewish spaces.

This presentation, moderated by Laura Belozer, a diversity, equity and inclusion advocate, will discuss how and why implicit bias influences our actions and thoughts, along with a framework to help create and sustain inclusive and equitable space for all who enter and engage with the Jewish community.

This event is presented by Jewish Experiences, a collaboration of Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City and The J, in partnership with JCRB | AJC Kansas City. On the event committee are Lindsey and Zach Bassin, Rachel Rubin, Josh Hoffman and Jeramy Zimmerman.

Visit www.TheJKC.org/RaceInJewishKC  to register.