Jewish community members of all ages are invited to participate in the community-wide Purim day celebration on Tuesday, March 7, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Village Shalom.

The program will also be offered virtually.

The celebration will include an interactive and engaging reading of the Megillah with music and discussion led by rabbis David Glickman, Caitlin Brazner, Larry Karol, Beryl Padorr, Jonathan Rudnick, Linda Steigman and Scott White, and Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda. 

The program will conclude with a catered lunch, and shalach manot gift bags will be given to those in attendance at Village Shalom.

There is no charge to attend the program, but attendees are asked to register online by March 1 at

A zoom link will be sent to all participants who register to participate virtually a few days prior to the March 7 program.

Participants are welcome to wear a costume and are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items for the JFS Food pantry. 

The Purim program is sponsored by the Rabbinical Association in partnership with Village Shalom, the Heritage Center at The J, and congregations, and generously supported by the Flo Harris Foundation of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City. 

More information and registration is available at or by contacting Annette Fish, administrator/program director, at or 913-327-8226.