Entertainer Neil Berg at his piano.

Neil Berg and Friends are back at Kehilath Israel Synagogue for the annual Grand Givers fundraiser. The format will be different, but the entertainment will be as enjoyable.

The parking lot of K.I. will be the theater for this once-in-a-lifetime outdoor, drive-in dinner show. Beginning at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 18, Neil Berg and Friends will be at home in New York City, but live through the internet.

Their repertoire of Broadway tunes will be interspersed with some newer music. Several songs will be pre-recorded in a music studio.

Steve Ellenberg will be catering the event with box meals of BBQ that will be delivered to your car. Dinner can be enjoyed during the show or kept for later.

“There will be a live auction as well as a raffle,” said Grand Givers Co-Chair Michael Sokol, M.D. “Also, the event will be broadcast privately on the internet for those who cannot come to K.I.’s parking lot but have a ticket.” For those who do come, Dr. Sokol recommends bringing folding chairs to sit outside their cars if the weather is nice.

Ticket costs remain the same — (Silver) $200, (Gold) $400. Both tickets admit two people, while individual tickets are also available. Gold ticket holders have additional chances to win prizes. As a bonus, there will be more prizes than in the past.

Those who would like to donate more, can take advantage of the following giving opportunities: Dreiseszun Grand Givers — $10,000 and up; Grand Givers — $2,000 and up.

Grand Givers is chaired by Dr. Sokol and his wife, Dr. Shari Sokol. A rain date of Sunday, Oct. 25, has been reserved.

For additional information, contact Elizabeth Peden at   or 913-642-1880, ext. 203.